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Decree 41/2013/ND-CP detailing the implementation of article 220 of the labor code
Decree 41/2013/ND-CP detailing the implementation of article 220 of the labor code on the list of units using laborers which may not go on strike and the settlement of requests of labor collectives in those units
10/08/2015 04:08:11

Labor Code of Vietnam 2012 - Law No. 10/2012/QH13 date June 18, 2012
Labor Code of Vietnam 2012 - Law No. 10/2012/QH13 date June 18, 2012
10/08/2015 04:08:36

Circular 40/2014/TT-NHNN on providing guidance on payment and management of deposits made by outsourcers
Circular 40/2014/TT-NHNN on providing guidance on payment and management of deposits made by outsourcers
10/08/2015 01:08:06

Circular 01/2014/TT-BLDTBXH guilding Decree 55/2013/ND-CP
Circular 01/2014/TT-BLDTBXH guilding Decree 55/2013/ND-CP
10/08/2015 01:08:46

Decree 73/2014/ND-CP Amendments to article 29 of the government's decree no. 55/2013/nđ-cp
Decree 73/2014/ND-CP Amendments to article 29 of the government's decree no. 55/2013/nđ-cp dated may 22, 2013 on implementation of clause 3 article 54 of the labor code on licensing outsourcing services, deposit payment, and list of permissible outsourced jobs
10/08/2015 01:08:26

Decree 55/2013/ND-CP on license for the outsourcing services
Decree 55/2013/ND-CP on license for the outsourcing services
10/08/2015 01:08:11